Location of Safari history
Format of Safari history
Safari Bookmarks are stored in the '
Bookmarks.plist' binary plist file within the '
Safari' folder.
Browser Settings
Safari Browser Settings are stored in the '
com.apple.Safari.plist' binary plist file within the '
Preferences' folder.
Safari Cache is stored using individual metadata and data (blob) files per cached resource.
Safari Cookies are stored in the '
Cookies.binarycookies' file within the '
Cookies' folder.
Safari Downloads are stored in the '
Downloads.plist' binary plist file within the '
Safari' folder.
Safari Favicons are stored in the '
favicons.db' SQLite database within the '
Favicon Cache' folder. Favicon metadata is stored within the '
page_url' and '
icon_info' SQLite tables and the favicons themselves are stored within the '
favicons' subfolder.
Safari Searches are stored in the '
com.apple.Safari.plist' binary plist file within the '
Preferences' folder.
Session Data
Safari Session Data is stored in the '
LastSession.plist' and '
RecentlyClosedTabs.plist' binary plist files within the '
Safari' folder.
Site Settings
Safari Site Settings are stored in the '
PerSitePreferences.db' SQLite database within the '
Safari' folder.
Safari Thumbnails are stored in the '
metadata.db' SQLite database within the '
TabSnapshots' folder. Thumbnail metadata is stored within the '
snapshot_metadata' SQLite table and the thumbnails themselves are stored as individual files in the same folder.
Website Visits
Safari Website Visits are stored in the '
History.db' SQLite database, within the '
history_visits' table. Associated URL information is stored within the '
history_items' table.